Friday 18 November 2011

As soon as the title sequence of Zombieland starts there are immediately some very chaotic scenes as we see a lady being catapulted in the air and smashing her face into the ground. As she hits the ground her face is covered in blood which may symbolize that this film is very gory. The next part of the title sequence shows a prisoner who is a zombie throwing a prisoner officer over a rail who is not a zombie. This part may symbolize that anyone can get affected with this zombie virus because prisoners are normally isolated from everyone else. 

The typography used in this title sequence matches the genre of the film. We can all see that Zombieland is a horror film because there are lots of killing and gore and the typography used is coloured in red. The red symbolizes blood and death. 
Karin fong
this is my presentation i did about Karin Fong and her title sequences

Tuesday 1 November 2011